+4 021 402 3927; +4021 402 3935

Faculty of Applied Chemistry and Materials Science


Message to students from the UPB Rector, Mr. Mihnea Costoiu

Dear students,

Even if some health security measures are still under way at the national level, I hope this first academic semester offered you a good experience. As you already know, we are here to provide you with the best learning tools and professional opportunities - so you should know that, if you need anything, you can always rely on the support of our community. As the exams are under way, I wish you good luck and a great new semester.

I am writing to you to provide information about the future teaching and learning activities for the second semester of the academic year 2021-2022.

The UPB Academic Senate decided on January 28, 2022, that the educational activities are the following:

Undergraduate studies
· All courses will be held online. In-person courses will only be held exclusively with the approval of the Faculty Council and after consulting with professors and students;
· Laboratories, seminars, and projects will be delivered in-person.
· Final evaluations will be held online;
· Exams of the session June 2022 will be held in-person.

Master studies
· All teaching activities - courses, laboratories, seminars and projects - will be held online. These activities may also be held in-person, with the approval of the Faculty Council and after consulting with professors and students;
· Research activities will be carried out with in-person.

Doctoral studies
· Projects, exams and scientific reports will be carried out in-person; all courses will be held online;
· Public defense of the doctoral theses will be carried out with in-person, except for the members of the commission from outside the university, who can also participate in online format (videoconference).

Postgraduate study programs can be conducted both physically and online.

Please follow the webpage of the university to stay informed Home - UPB | International Relations Department and contact us if you have any questions (email: international@upb.ro).

Best wishes and keep safe,
Mihnea Costoiu

